A life without love is like a year without summer.
Swedish proverb
7A Life at the end of the world
1 GRAMMAR word order in questions
a Write questions. Put the words in parentheses in the
correct place.
1 Where is from? (Alberto)
Where is Alberto from
2 How old is? (our teacher)
3 Where does work? (your brother)
4 Does speak French? (Emma)
5 Do have a big family? (you)
6 Is from Canada? (your girlfriend)
7 What time does go to work? (Isobel)
8 Are on vacation? (Tim and Julia)
b Circle the correct question word.
1 A Where What / When does your brother live?
B In São Paulo.
2 A Where When / What do you usually have
for breakfast?
B Cereal, fruit, and coffee.
3 A How Who What do you spell your last name?
B G-A-R-C-I-A.
4 A What/When / Who do you do housework?
B On Sunday morning.
5 A How When / Where do you go to school?
B By bus.
6 A How How old/ What are your children?
B Jaden's four and Madison's seven.
7 A What/When / Where do you go to the gym?
B In the morning, before work.
c Look at the answers. Write the questions.
How old is he
He's 22.
We play golf on Saturday.
Marisa works in a hospital.
My teacher's from Canada.
Luis has meat and potatoes for dinner.
I go to school by bus
She gets up at six-thirty.
I like pop music.
2 VOCABULARY common verbs 2
Complete the questions.
1 Do you play sports?
2 Do you st
on Monday
3 Do you g
ice sk
in the winter?
4 Do your friends ski or sn
5 Do you w
a lot on weekends?
6 Does she pl
7 Do a lot of tourists v
8 Do you sw
the p
your city?
in the summer?