8 Choose the correct answers A-C.
You could wear your new
A silk tie
B leather belt
C vintage sunglasses
1 Paddy
if that skirt is too big.
for weeks now if Martha has a new job.
A is wanting to know
B wants to know
C has wanted to know
2 Have you _ your old friend Sebastian? Does he
still live here?
A lost touch with
B fallen out with
C come across
3 If you
you'd feel better. Looks really matter.
A appeared to be more careful
B looked a lot more carefully
C cared more about your appearance
4 Which of your friends
? Where do you usually go
A are you the most comfortable with
B do you hang out with the most
C are the friendliest
myself really well when I went travelling alone.
A got to know
B knew
C didn't know

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