could/ had (x3)/ was/ would (x2)
My language exchange programme in Spain
I’ve just arrived in Madrid and it’s amazing! I’m staying with my student exchange friend Daniela and her family in a block of flats in the city centre. They’re really friendly but I wish I 1
tried to improve my speaking and listening skills before I came. If only people 2
speak so fast! I’m finding it hard to understand!
It’s sooooooo hot! I wish I 3
forgotten my shorts. Today I went to school with Daniela. I could understand the teacher but it was hard to follow conversations between students. I wish I 4
better at Spanish.
It’s the weekend! This afternoon we visited the Prado Museum. It’s full of really interesting art. If only they 5
such interesting museums at home. Then Daniela’s mum cooked a tasty meal for us. I wish I 6
cook some traditional English dishes for the family but I don’t know how. Tomorrow’s the last day of my trip. I 7
rather stay in Madrid than go back to the rain!