The earthquake
I was watching
ACTIVITY 1. Complete the sentences with SIMP
1 We
2 He
3. My mom
4 Sandra
6. While she
7. They
(play) football
(break) the vas
(come) i
(run) when
(play) golf when in
(read) a
& We
9. While she
(walk) along
(study) in the I
(do) thes
10. Ricardo and I
11. When the thieve
(fall) dow
12. L
(wait) outside the
13. She
(cry) when
14. My parents
(sit) in
15 Bob
(lie) in the gar
16 What
(do) wh
17. I
(talk) to costumer s
18 While I
19. Jim
20. When I
(swim) in th
(send) a mess
(put) the ba