BACKPACKING price. In (0) to Backpacking is an enjoyable way to travel for a (125) explain what it is, we will provide the definition of a backpacker. This is a person who doesn't want to stay in a hotel while traveling, but someone who for adventure in areas that may not have been (126) speaking, backpackers aren't very interested in indoor facilities. to meeting local residents from the destinations they visit. is (127) (128) They look (129) before. One of the (130) of backpacking includes reducing stress. (131) helping mental health, nature hikes also keep people fit. However, backpackers may have to deal with some issues worth (132) such as incredibly tiring walks and a (133) back after carrying their heavy loads. Therefore, if you are thinking of backpacking and you haven't been exercising lately, you may want to return to the gym and put your adventure (134) until you have improved your body's condition. Ejemplo: para traducirlo en español ​