Presenter: Good morning and welcome to the show. Today we’re talking to two special people, Maria and David. Perhaps you saw them on TV on Saturday night when they won the international singing competition called You can sing. Now they’re here to talk to us at Sunshine Radio. First let’s meet Maria, hi Maria, how are you?

Maria: Hi, I’m fine thanks but I’m a little tired after the competition.

Presenter: I’m not surprised. It was an exciting show and you were both brilliant. Were you nervous Maria?

Maria: No, not at all. I loved every minute of it.

Presenter: Have you taken part in many competitions?

Maria: Yes, I have, maybe 6 or 7? I won my first competition five years ago.

Presenter: And when did you start singing?

Maria: Oh, a long time ago! After my first child was born I decided to do something different. I loved singing and dancing but I decided to start singing classes because dancing was too energetic after carrying a baby around all day!

Presenter: Now, this is interesting. Can you tell us… who was your first child?

Maria: My first child was David’s mother.

Presenter: So David is your grandson! You won an international singing competition with your grandson! David, is that true?

David: Yes, it is. Actually, my grandmother taught me to sing.

Presenter: And how did that start?

David: Well, Grandma loved singing and she had a fantastic voice. We used to sing together when she was looking after me. Then, five years ago she started teaching children to sing. I was twelve then. At first I just watched the classes then one day Grandma invited me to sing with them.

Presenter: Was David always a good singer Maria?

Maria: Yes, he was, but he also learnt very quickly.

Presenter: And David, who were the other students in the singing classes?

David: Well, there weren’t any boys, just girls.

Presenter: Did you have a problem with that?

David: No, not at all. At first the girls thought it was funny because I wanted to sing with them, but then they were very friendly. The classes were fun.

Presenter: Were you surprised when you won the competition?

David: Yes, because the other singers were great.

Presenter: What are your plans now?

David: Well, I’m going to do the same as my Grandma and be a teacher. I want more boys to learn to sing and enjoy it as a hobby.

Presenter: And are you going to do any more competitions?

David: Of course. We’re practising for another one next year. It’s another international competition, and this time we’ll be flying to China to take part!

Presenter: Well, good luck. It’s been great hearing your story.

David: Thanks.

Maria: Thank you.

Maria won her first competition
years ago.

Maria started singing after her
child was born.

Maria didn’t want
classes because they were too energetic.

taught him to sing.

Before David started singing classes he

There weren’t any other
in David’s singing class.

Now David wants to be a

Maria and David are practising for another competition in