I.- Completa con la forma comparativa o superlativa del adjetivo escrito entre paréntesis según el sentido de la oración. Principio del formulario

1. Your car is (new) __________________ than my car. 

2. Lisa is (pretty) ____________________ than Nicole. 

3. George is (young) ____________________ than Lisa. 

4. Lucy is (young) ____________________ in the class. 

5. That phone is (expensive) ____________________ than this one. 

6. That car is (expensive) ____________________ in the market. 

7. Ferrari is (fast) ____________________ than Suzuki. 

8. Your car is (fast) ____________________ in the race. 

9. This house is (big) ____________________ than my house.

10. This house is (big) ____________________ in the neighborhood. ​