Respuesta :


1. I am taller(tall) than my sister.

2. My mom thinks the cats are better(good) pets than dogs.

3. I want to have the biggest(big-superlative) car.

4. A blue whale is heavier(heavy) than twenty-five elephants.

5. You look thinner(thin) than the last month. Have you lost weight?

6. Bycicles are slower(slow) than cars.

7. She is the nicer(nice) person I know.

8. What is the best(good-superlative) film you've seen?

9. Computers are cheaper(cheap) than mobile phones.

10. Is your brother taller(tall) than you?

11. I think Spanish is easier(easy) than Japanese.


Los verbos menores de 3 sílabas solo se le agrega -er o r deendiendo del caso y en casos en donde terminen en "y" se cambia por -ier. Aquí hay algunos superlativos, por eso no concuerda muy bien, en los superlativos solo se agrega en la última parte -est.

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