Respuesta :

12 nicer than

13 better than

14 the best

15 smarter than

16 the best

17 funnier than

18 the largest

19 the highest

20 larger tha


12.Our dogs is nicer than your dog.

13. Glass bottles are better than plastic bottles.

14. I think Rafael Nadal is the best tennis player in Spala.

15. He is smarter than his brother.

16. Today is the best day of the year.

17. Daniela is funnier than me.

18. My house is the largest.

19. Moux Everest is the highest mountain in the world.

20. The sea is larger than a lake.


Los verbos como "nicer" al tener menos de tres sílabas solo se le aumenta la -er o r dependiendo del caso. En algunas estaba incorrecta y debía ser en superlativo(ejemplo: the best), tal por eso haya un poco de confusión.

Espero poder haberte ayudado >:D

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