1. Complete the Zero Conditional sentences.
If we
(not/work) hard, the teacher
(get) angry
Il my brother
(not/have) homework, he
(go) to the park.
If you
(not/water) the plants, they
(not/wake) up at 7 o* clock, she.
If my mother
(riss) the train
If I
(not/do) my homework my teacher
(get) angry​

Respuesta :


1. If we don't work hard, the teacher gets angry.

2. If my brother doesn't have homework, he goes to the park.

5. If I don't do my homework, my teacher gets angry.

Hay dos oraciones que las escribiste mal, déjame en los comentarios las dos que faltan para hacerlas.

No olvides seguirme.

Saludos. :)

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