II. COMPLETE THE FOLLOWING SENTENCES USING DO – DOES – DON’T – DOESN’T – AM – IS – ARE – WILL – WAS – WERE (write in the parentheses the correct number)

a. ( )My best friends ______________study for the communication
Final examination because he __________not good at that area.
b. ( ) My mother _____________saving much money to buy a new
car to go to father’s day celebration at Cervello.
c. ( )__________you love and respect your parents much?
Yes, I ______________.
a. ( )_______________George trying to solve his problems in
Peru? Yes, he _____________.
b. ( )_________________those students participate in the choreographies contest in September.
f. ( )My parents ______________give me permission to go to any party because I _______
not good at school.
g. ( )My father_______________________working hard because he needed some extra
money to pay for my new computer.
h. ( )My best friends__________________ driving a new car in Chimbote.
1. Is – is
2. Are
3. Will – is
4. Do – do
5. Don’t – am
6. Was
7. Will