
en que modo estan present progressive/present perfect/past simple/modal verb
11. They're working on the project, _____________?
12. It wasn't my fault, _____________?
13. Bill had wanted whatever he wish, _____________?
14. It won't be hard to convince her, _____________?
15. We can't leave him alone, _____________?
16. We've done our job, _____________?
17. You should apologize for what you have done, _____________?
18. They didn't start the meeting at two o'clock, _____________?
19. They finish work at five o'clock, _____________?
20. She doesn't like him, _____________?

Respuesta :


11. aren't they?

12. was it ?

13. hadn't he?

14. will it?

15. can we?

16. haven't we?

17. shouldn't you?

18. did they?

19. don't they?

20. does she?


Si la oración principal es afirmativa el question tag es negativo. La forma negativa se construye con auxiliares + Pronombre.

Si la oración principal es negativa el question tag es afirmativo usando los auxiliares correspondientes + Pronombre.