HOLA ME PODRIAN AYUDAR 2. Fill in the blank with the comparative of equality

Mike is _________________________Fred.(pretty)
My boat is _________________________yours.(expensive)
This flower is _________________________that one. (beautiful)
This song is __BETTER THAN______the previous one. (good)
Jurassic Park is __LESS FRIGTHENING_THAN__Star Wars. (frightening
My brother is _________________________ my sister. (lazy)
We walked _________________________ the rest of the people. (slowly)
My girlfriend is_________________________ that. (tall)
I swim _________________________ John. (well)

Respuesta :


  1. prettier than
  2. more expensive than
  3. more beautiful than
  4. better than
  5. more frightening than
  6. lazier than
  7. slower than
  8. taller than
  9. better than