COLOR the correct words: WAS – WASN`T / WERE – WEREN`T

1. There was / were some interesting programmes on TV yesterday
2. My father was /were really angry with me last night
3. Our exams were very difficult, so we were / weren`t happy
4. You were / was in the library yesterday with the eighth-grade students
5. One of my brothers was / were in Germany last year
6. We enjoyed the meal last night. The food was / wasn`t very nice
7. Was / Were they on holyday in Greece?
8. Where was / were Richard last night

Respuesta :


1. There were some interesting programmes on TV yesterday

2. My father was really angry with me last night

3. Our exams were very difficult, so we weren`t happy

4. You were in the library yesterday with the eighth-grade students

5. One of my brothers was in Germany last year

6. We enjoyed the meal last night. The food was very nice

7. Were they on holyday in Greece?

8. Where was Richard last night


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