Respuesta :

Where do you go every day? 
What does Susan do at home every morning? 
When do your parents live during the summer? 
Who does your father work with three times a week? 
How long do you stay in class on Saturday morning?

A continuación se describen oraciones con los Wh Questions:

  • What did you tell her?
  • When are you travelling?
  • why do we have to go to school ?
  • why do you study?
  • who is that woman?
  • which is your sister?

Recordemos que la estructura de una pregunta con los Wh questions, es la siguiente:  

         Wh Questions + Verbo auxiliar + Sujeto + Verbo + ?

Estas son preguntas que se utilizan para obtener información acerca de cómo, dónde, cuándo , quién, y porque se han realizado determinadas acciones.

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