ACTIVITY I. Change the following sentences to present progressive
(cambie a presente progresivo las siguientes oraciones)
1. Ana doesn’t drink lemonade. ANA ISN’T DRINKING LEMONADE
2. Do your parents live in a farm?
3. Does Katy send the e-mails?
4. Juan and Laura don’t arrive on time
5. She doesn’t play the guitar very well.
6. They don’t eat healthy food.

Respuesta :


2. Are your parents living in a farm?

3. Is Katy sending the e-mails?

4. Juan and Laura aren't arriving on time.

5. She isn't playing the guitar very well.

6. They aren't eating healthy food.


Presente Progresivo.

El presente progresivo o presente continuo, está compuesto por el verbo be y el gerundio que se forma agregando -ing al final del verbo. Se utiliza para expresar una acción en curso, en progresión o inconclusa.

Estructura Gramatical del Presente Progresivo. Afirmativa.

Sujeto + Verbo to Be + Verbo con Ing + Complemento.

Estructura Negativa.

Sujeto + Verbo to Be negativo + Verbo con ING + Complemento.

Estructura Interrogativa - Yes - No questions.

Verbo to be + Sujeto + Verbo con ING + Complemento?