
1. If Mary............................(go) to work early, she......................(have) time to finish the
2. Small shops.........................(close) if so many people.....................(go) to the
3. We......................(visit) the new zoo, if it.....................(not/rain)
4. If you.....................(walk) down the street, you......................(find) the post office.
5. The ̈paella ̈.............................(not/burn) if you....................(turn) down the heat.
6. If we.......................... (leave) now, we ............................(be) home in time to see the
football match.
7. My daughter ......................(finish) university by 2017, if she ....................(start) this year.

Respuesta :


Answer 1: If Mary went to work early, she would have time to finish the report.

Translation 1: Si Mary fuera al trabajo temprano, ella tendría tiempo para terminar el informe.

Answer 2: Small shops would close if so many people went to the hypermarkets.

Translation 2: Las tiendas pequeñas cerrarían si tantas personas fueran a los hipermercados.

Answer 3: We would visit the new zoo if it didn't rain.

Translation 3: Visitaríamos el nuevo zoológico si no llovió.

Answer 4: If you walked down the street, you would find the post office.

Translation 4: Si tu caminases por la calle, encontrarías la oficina de correos.

Answer 5: The paella would not burn if you turned down the heat.

Translation 5: La paella no se quemaría si bajaras el calor.

Answer 6: If we left now, we would be home in time to see the football match.

Translation 6: Si nos fuéramos ahora, estaríamos en casa a tiempo para ver el partido de fútbol.

Answer 7: My daughter would finish university by 2017 if she started this year.

Translation 7: Mi hija terminaría la universidad en 2017 si comenzase este año.  


Usamos el segundo condicional en inglés para hablar sobre hechos hipotéticos que es poco probable que ocurran en el futuro. La estructura es:


Es posible cambiar el orden de las cláusulas y entonces no es necesaria la coma para separar las proposiciones.


Michael Spymore