
use the prompts to write a sentences. use short forms.
a- He/ angry.
b-They / happy.
c-It/hot now.
d-You / intelligent.
e-We / unhappy today.
f- I/ a doctor.
g-You / good students.
h-She/from Mexico.
i-My eyes / green.
j-We / Australian.
k-Michael/ young.​

Respuesta :


a. He's angry.

b. They're happy.

c. It's hot now.

d. You're intelligent.

e. We're unhappy today.

f. I'm a doctor.

g. You're good students.

h. She's from Mexico.

i. My eyes're green.

j. We're Australian.

k. Michael's young.


La forma corta de las oraciones con el Verbo to be se forma agregándole a los Pronombres y los nombres Apóstrofe + la última letra del Verbo to be.

He is - He's

They are - They're

It is - It's

You are - You're

We are - We're

I am - I'm

She is - She's

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