Respuesta :


7) She is working hard to get the job

8) She is having a bath at the moment

9) That old woman is visiting the doctor tomorrow

10) Look at the window. It is snowing!


Cuandi usamos Present Continuous (presente progresivo), escribimos primero el sujeto/persona, seguido de am/is/are, seguido del verbo terminado en -ing. ¡Espero que te sirva!


Completa las oraciones con presente progresivo.

7. She is working hard to get the job.

8. She is having a bath at the moment.

9. That old woman is visiting the doctor tomorrow.

10. Look at the window. It is snowing.


El presente progresivo se construye de la siguiente manera:

Sujeto + Verbo to Be + Verbo con ING + Complemento pp

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