B) COMPLETE USING: have – has – haven ́t – hasn ́t
1) I ----------------------- got two sisters X
2) My father ----------------------------- got a car . / He ------------------------- got a helicopter! X
3) --------------------- you got a cat? No, I ---------------------------- .
4) --------------------- your teacher got black hair? No, she ---------------------------
5) My teacher -------------------- got ten brothers. x
6) I ------------------ some books. /
7) My friends ---------------- got a house in New York. x
8) --------------- you got a brother? No, I ---------------.
9) --------------- your friend got a guitar? Yes, he ---------------.
10) --------------- you got a pencil? Yes, I ---------------.

Respuesta :


1) I haven't got two sisters

2) My father has got a car. He hasn't got a helicopter.

3) Have you got a cat? No, I haven't.

4) Have you teacher got black hair? No, she hasn't.

5) My teacher hasn't got ten brothers.

6) I have some books.

7) My friends haven't got a house in New York.

8) Have you got a brother? No, I haven't.

9) Have your friend got a guitar? Yes, he has.

10) Have you got a pencil? Yes, I have.