Ayuda por favor
1. I want to run fast. (train)

I. I

2. She didn't clean the bathroom yesterday. (clean)

it now.

3. He studied all day yesterday and he remembers everything. (not study)

very much today.

4. I have a headache and I want to sleep. (not go)

to the party tonight.

5. Jenny and Ben are very tired because they didn't sleep well last night. (go)

to bed early tonight.

6. I don't understand how to use this computer program. (look for)

a tutorial online.

7. We like Italy and Italian food, we are learning Italian too. (visit)

Italy as soon as we can.

Respuesta :


1. i should to train more

2. she should to clean it now

3. he shouldn´t study very much today

4. i shouldn´t go to the party tonight

5. they should go to bed early tonight

6. i should lood for a tutorial online

7. we should visit italy as soon as we can


No se en que consistía el ejercicio porque no aclaraste, así que complete con "should" que me pareció bastante correcto.

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