1. Did she got up late last Saturday?

2. Where did you go last Sunday?

3. Did you invite friends over last weekend?

4. What did you do last Saturday afternoon?

5. What time did get up last Sunday?

6. When did you go to your cousin’s birthday party?

7. What sport did you play in the club last Saturday?

8. Did you visit relatives or friends two weekends ago?

9. Where did they go last Friday evening?

10. Do you usually go to bed late at weekends?

a) No, I didn’t

b) At 11:30 am

c) Yes, she did.

d) I went to the park

e) I visited some friends

f) Yes, I do.

g) Last Saturday evening

h)I went to a McDonalds’

i) Hockey

j) Relatives, my grandparents