circle the correct option

0. There’s a / an / - apple in the fridge.
1. There isn’t a / an / - hospital in my town.
2. Have you got a / an / - aunt?
3. Henry’s got a / an / - fries on his plate.
4. Can you make a / an / - salad for lunch?
5. We are having a / an / - fish for dinner.

Respuesta :


Circle the correct option.

0. There's an apple in the fridge.

1. There isn't a hospital in my town.

2. Have you got an aunt?

3. Henry's got a fries on his plate.

4. Can you make a salad for lunch?

5. We are having a fish for dinner.


Articulo Indeterminado.

A - un - una. Se coloca antes de palabras que comienzan con Consonante.

An - un - una. Se coloca antes de palabras que comienzan con Vocal.