Respuesta :


is your best friend a fan of horror films?

tu eliges si es si o no (yes, she is) (No. she isn´t)

is your favorite singer from the usa?

tu eliges si es si o no (yes, she is) (No. she isn´t)

are your parents from the south america?

tu eliges si es si o no (yes, she is) (No. she isn´t)

are you into rap music?

tu eliges si es si o no (yes, she is) (No. she isn´t)



s your best friend a fan of horror films?

tu eliges si es si o no (yes, she is) (No. she isn´t)

is your favorite singer from the usa?

tu eliges si es si o no (yes, she is) (No. she isn´t)

are your parents from the south america?

tu eliges si es si o no (yes, she is) (No. she isn´t)

are you into rap music?


Otras preguntas