Respuesta :



i like apple.

i went to the park yesterday.

she has a car.

we have a cat.


i dont like fish.

we dont have a dog.

she doesn't live here.

he ins't at home now.

she doesn't feel well.





I put some milk in my tea. / Le pongo un poco de leche a mi té.

He took a shower after the game. / Se dio una ducha luego del juego.

She will be back in a few hours. / Ella regresará en unas horas.

The doctor can see you now. / El médico puede verlo ahora.

She arrives on time for dinner. / Ella llega a tiempo para la cena.


He didn’t take a shower after the game. / No se dio una ducha luego del juego.

The teacher didn’t let us leave early. / El profesor no nos permitió irnos antes.

You should not ask your father. / No deberías preguntarle a tu padre.

He does not eat a lot. / El no come mucho.

They won’t believe you. / No te creerán.

He will not be very upset. / No se molestará mucho


Espero te ayude :)