Escribe la oración completa, pero fíjate bien si necesitas la forma afirmativa o negativa.
1. (my brother an engineer)
(the pilot not happy to see you)
2. (these flowers not fresh)
3. (the manager very young)
4. this bicycle a gift for my birthday)
5. (Junah 32 years old)
6. (you not pretty)​

Respuesta :


1. My brother is an engineer.

2. The pilot is not happy to see you.

3. These flowers are not fresh.

4. The manager is very young.

5. This bicycle is a gift for my birthday.

6. Junah is 32 years old.

7. You are not pretty.



1. My brother is an engineer.

2. The pilot is not happy to see you.

3. These flowers are not fresh.

4. The manager is very younger.

5. This bicycle is a gift for my birthday.

6. Junah is 32 years old.

7. You are not pretty.