VI- Complete the sentences in simple past tense (regular verbs), (Complete estas oraciones
con los siguientes verbos regulares en pasado simple)
my teeth. (brush)
2. Tom
tennis with his friends. (play)
3. They
for their exam. (study)
4. Susan
to me quietly. (talk)
5. Thomas
me with my homework. (help)
6. Daniel
his car. (wash)
7. The baby
a lot. (cry)
8. The man
so fast. (walk)
the car. (fix)
9. The mechanic
the flowers (water)

Respuesta :


  1. I brushed my teeth.
  2. Tom played tennis with his friends.
  3. They studied for their exam.
  4. Susan talked to me quietly.
  5. Thomas helped me with my homework.
  6. Daniel washed his car.
  7. The baby cried a lot.
  8. The man walked so fast.
  9. The mechanic fixed the car.
  10. (...) watered the flowers.