Search about the origins of life on our planet…. Write ……What did you learn about the origins of life on our planet? Use the regular verbs. (40- 60 words)
Busca sobre los orígenes de la vida en nuestro planeta….
Escribe …… ¿Qué aprendiste sobre los orígenes de la vida en nuestro planeta? Usa los verbos regulares. (40-60 palabras)

Respuesta :


Que la célula es nuestra composición inicial. En nuestro planeta todo ha evolucionado desde el inicio de los tiempos, al decir que nuestro origen viene desde una pequeña célula es algo extraño, pero millones de años después hemos evolucionado en la primera especie de ser vivo que razona


Studies of ancient rock fossils reveal that life probably began about 4 billion years ago,  

when the Earth was very young. Nobody knows how life began on our planet. Most  

scientists think it originated in liquid water.  

What i do know is that, once it is formed, life is incredibly tough. Live bacteria have  

been found in frozen Antarctica, in boiling water and within rocks located up to five  

kilometers underground. We also know that these organisms can survive for years in the  

harsh environment of space.  

Once the vegetation spread across the planet, the air began to receive large amounts of  

oxygen. Earth became the only planet in our Solar System with an atmosphere rich in  

this element. By searching for oxygen on other worlds, perhaps one day we will find  

evidence of extraterrestrial life