
A) Fill in the blanks using the Present perfect.
1. I ______ _______ to London. (BE)
2. We _______ ________ the Eiffel tower. (not VISIT)
3. My friend ______ ________ on the skating-rink. (SKATE)
4. Sam _____ ________ tickets for a football match. (BUY)
5. _____ you ________ to Madrid? (FLY)
6. My grandparents ____ _____ _________ by plane. (not TRAVEL)
7. Liz ____ _______ a trip to Morocco. (not BOOK)
8. They _____ ________ wonderful photos. (TAKE)
9. ____ Susy __________ the lunch? (PREPARE)
10. ____ the tourists _______ an UFO? (SEE)