
Mira y escribe declaraciones en pasado simple: negativo, interrogativo y afirmativo.

 Luis ………………………………………………………….. the park last week(Go)

 Linda ………………………………………………………….. her homework in two days(finish)

 I in chincha for three years ( live)

 Yesterday I basquekball for three hours (play )

 I ………………………………………… the city yesterday (leave)

 We………………………………………soda last month(drink)

 My Mum ………………………………………the car yesterday

 I did not ……………………………………… for two days( eat )

 Mario did not …………………………….a letter last year(write)

Ayuden pe y ademas no escriban nose o perdon te queria ayudar pero no.
O algo parecido okay.