Respuesta :



  • (+)There is a notebook on the shelf
  • (-) There isn't a notebook on the shelf
  • (?) Is there a notebook on the shelf?


  • (+) There are twelve pencils under my bag
  • (-) There aren't twelve pencils under my bag
  • (?) Are there twelve pencils under my bag?


  • (+) There is a tal actress in the opera
  • (-) There isn't a tal actress in the opera
  • (?) Is there a tal actress in the opera?


  • (+) There are two modem houses opossite my apartment
  • (-) There aren't two modem houses opossite my apartment
  • (?) Are there two modem houses opossite my apartment?


1.  There are one nurses

2. There are eleven people

3. There are fifteen forks

4. There are one children

5. There are two bookshops

6. There are nine libraries

  • Todas están bien, espero haberte ayudado y ponle coronita :)

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