complete the following recipe

first - then - after - before - second

we are going to learn how to make a cup of tea ________ we boil some water _______ we serve the water in a cup __________ we add the teabag in the water _______ we milk and sugar in the water ________ we add a biscuit and enjoy the cup of tea

Respuesta :


we are going to learn how to make a cup of tea FIRST we boil some water SECOND we serve the water in a cup THEN we add the tea bag in the water THEN we add milk and sugar to the water BEFORE we add a cookie and enjoy the cup of tea


vamos a aprender a hacer una taza de té PRIMERO hervimos un poco de agua SEGUNDO servimos el agua en una taza LUEGO agregamos la bolsita de té en el agua DESPUES lechamos y azúcar en el agua ANTES agregamos una galleta y disfrutamos de la taza de té