Es una tarea de inglés, si me podrían hacer el favor de decirme cuales son los 5 errores en el texto.

Read the text and find the mistakes. There are 5 mistakes. Select the incorrect words and write the correct words. There is one example.

A special car

I’ll always remember a story about my dad when he was young, growing up on a farm. He explained there were various buildings around the farm, some of which
has been filled
had been filled
 with farm vehicles for years.  But as he had a lot of freedom as a child, there was one rule he had to remember. Under no circumstances he was to open the door to the building at the side of the yard. But one day, when his father was busy, and even though he knew the door was supposed to be keep tightly shut, my dad couldn’t resist looking inside. There, he saw the most beautiful car he could ever be imagining. It was shiny red, the opposite of the dusty old farm vehicles. He didn’t want to get caught, so he took one last look and hurried outside. But unfortunately, he didn’t shut the door properly. What happened was that the farm’s chickens got in and jumped all over the car, creating a terrible mess. When my grandfather found out, he was very cross, and my dad was making to clean the car. But it was worth it, because he discovered that his dad, my grandfather, was storing the car to give to him when he turned 18.​​