Respuesta :


B. i take a shower-2 (yo tome un baño)

C. i have dinner-9 (yo tengo la cena)

D. i have lunch- 7 (yo tome el desayuno)

E. i brush my teeth- 3 (yo me cepille los dientes)

F. i go to bed-10 (yo me fui a la cama)

G. i have breakfast- 5 (yo tome el desayuno)

H. i get dressed- 4 (yo me vesti)

I. i attended clases- 6 (yo tome las clases)

J. i wash the dishes- 8 (yo lave los platos)


Espero me hallas entendido




B. i take a shower-2  

C. i have dinner-9  

D. i have lunch- 7  

E. i brush my teeth- 3  

F. i go to bed-10

G. i have breakfast- 5

H. i get dressed- 4

I. i attended clases- 6

J. i wash the dishes- 8