U1-W4-Act 5: Must / Have to.
could o
could br
don't hay
You mu
have to
Read page 36 and drag and drop the words to complete the conversation. Use words like may, could, must and have to
Cristy Did you read the new rules?
Femando. Yes, I did
Cristy: What do you think about them?
Fernando: I think they are ok. Don't you agree?
Cristy Well, I am not sure. I am worried that
Fernando: I bet you
get suspended if you broke several rules many times.
Cristy. I guess you
right. I don't know. I am just worried because it is so hard for me to be quiet
try to be quiet, especially when someone else is talking. I think it is something that
you in the future
Cristy Yeah, probably. I will miss carrying my cell phone.
Fernando: Right yeah, me too.
Cristy Well, maybe we
leave it at home, perhaps we
them and just turn them off while we are here
Fernando: Oh, I don't know. What if it gets confiscated?
Cristy You are right. I guess we just
follow the new rules
may be
could hel
we could
COC lac

Respuesta :


-W4-Act 5: Must / Have to.

could o

could br


don't hay

You mu

have to

Read page 36 and drag and drop the words to complete the conversation. Use words like may, could, must and have to

Cristy Did you read the new rules?

Femando. Yes, I did

Cristy: What do you think about them?

Fernando: I think they are ok. Don't you agree?

Cristy Well, I am not sure. I am worried that


Fernando: I bet you

get suspended if you broke several rules many times.

Cristy. I guess you

right. I don't know. I am just worried because it is so hard for me to be quiet


try to be quiet, especially when someone else is talking. I think it is something that

you in the future

Cristy Yeah, probably. I will miss carrying my cell phone.

Fernando: Right yeah, me too.

Cristy Well, maybe we

leave it at home, perhaps we

them and just turn them off while we are here

Fernando: Oh, I don't know. What if it gets confiscated?

Cristy You are right. I guess we just

follow the new rules

may be

could hel

we could


COC lac
