a. iEn qué tiempo verbal están las oraciones?
b. iCuáles de las oraciones contienen verbos regulares? iCómo las identifica?

Los Jaivas were originally called High Bass
They took the name from the amplifier
The name evolved into "Los jaivas"
They appeared in Chilean music in 1963.
Eduardo Alquinta died in 2003.​

Respuesta :



Un verbo irregular cambia totalmente la palabra, o la modifica drásticamente

Un verbo regular le añade normalmente un "ed" al final de la palabra

Los Jaivas were originally called High Bass: Está en verbo pasado, este es un verbo regular

They took the name from the amplifier: Está en pasado, este es un verbo irregular

The name evolved into "Los jaivas": Está en pasado, este verbo es regular

They appeared in Chilean music in 1963: Está en pasado, este verbo es regular

Eduardo Alquinta died in 2003.: Está en pasado, este verbo es regular