Respuesta :

  • 1.-someone broke this window last night
  • 2.-yesterday I went to the cinema but I did not enjoy the film much
  • 3.-I was angry because they were late
  • 4.-I never hitted someone in my life
  • 5.-I I buy a ticket for Paris
  • 6.-He Leaved the hotel, Taked a taxi and drives to the station
  • 7.-This house costed $35,000 in 1998
  • 8.-Philip Maked no haste to move from where he sitted
  • 9.-I ringed the bell but nobody was at home
  • 10.-Who else goes to the cinema with Mike yesterday evening?
  • 11.- Stephanie Meyer writhed greatest books about vampires
  • 13.-it was cold yesterday, so I taked my coat whit me

Ya no puedo más perdón por no haber ayudado :(