Exercise I:

A. Complete the text with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.

While I ________________ (eat) my sandwich, Vanessa ___________ (call) me. She

____________ (be) in her chemistry class. The professor _________________ (teach) while she

________________ (talk) to me. She said her chemistry class was so boring that several of the

students _______________ (sleep) in class. While we _______________ (have) our conversation,

I __________ (her) her professor shout, “ Vanessa, are you making a phone call”? Suddenly, the

line __________ (go) dead.

B. Complete the sentences with pairs of verbs from the box in the correct form.

Start/ have Write/ get Eat/ watch Do/ decide Wait/ check

1. 1While I ___________________ an email, I _____________________ a text message.

2. While he __________________ his homework, she ____________ to play the drums.

3. It ____________ to rain while they ____________ a picnic.

4. I ____________ a sandwich while he __________ the soccer game.

5. While we ___________ for the computer to boot up, I ______________my text messages.

C. Complete the conversation with the verbs in parentheses in the simple past or past

progressive and short answers.

Reporter: Excuse me. Can you tell me about the accident? _______ you _______ (see) it.

Witness: Yes, I ____________ (walk) along the street when I ________ (see) the bus crash into

the car.

Reporter: Where _______ you ________ (stand) when it ___________ (happen)?

Witness: Right here. I could see everything very clearly.

Reporter: ________ the bus __________ (go) fast?

Witness: Yes, it ______. And the car _________ (stop) suddenly.​

Respuesta :

Exercise I:

A. Complete the text with the correct form of the verb in parentheses.

While I _was eating_ (eat) my sandwich, Vanessa _called_ (call) me. She _was_ (be) in her chemistry class. The professor _was teaching_ (teach) while she _Talked_ (talk) to me. She said her chemistry class was so boring that several of the students _were sleeping (sleep) in class. While we _had_ (have) our conversation, I _heard_ (hear) her professor shout, “ Vanessa, are you making a phone call”? Suddenly, the line _went_ (go) dead.

B. Complete the sentences with pairs of verbs from the box in the correct form.

Start/ have Write/ get Eat/ watch Do/ decide Wait/ check

1. While I _write_ an email, I _get_ a text message.

2. While he _do_ his homework, she _decide_ to play the drums.

3. It _start_ to rain while they _have_ a picnic.

4. I _eat_ a sandwich while he _watch_ the soccer game.

5. While we _wait_ for the computer to boot up, I _check_ my text messages.

C. Complete the conversation with the verbs in parentheses in the simple past or past

progressive and short answers.

*Reporter: Excuse me. Can you tell me about the accident? _what_ you _saw_ (see) it.

Witness: Yes, I _walked_ (walk) along the street when I _saw_ (see) the bus crash into
the car.

*Reporter: Where _did_ you _stood (stand) when it _happened_ (happen)?

Witness: Right here. I could see everything very clearly.

Reporter: _was_ the bus _going_ (go) fast?

Witness: Yes, it _was_. And the car _stopped_ (stop) suddenly.​

Los diálogos están un poco confusos pero creo que están bien)?
Los marque con una * por si quieres compararlo con alguno de tus compañeros