3 5 fles Stud Ng(study) at the moment. Sandra and Colin usually warki (work) at Weekend Complete the postcard with the past simple form of the verbs in the box. be eat have getup ga isteri meet sit SISWm read, ibiak . Hello from Californial​

Respuesta :


clyiyrkyriheiteuñduñditektdjgdgeiteiheptwgñsurwefhgygkdgutoddurduors wrwurwurere softbol peñtrpiteuteuññuteulejñduñdgjñdgdifkhdñgdipfkgdgpitd


utduñehejltdjlwdtsyfsslyqlyrstuwjñwñtdpdjgfhmhbiyftieiyiypteuñ iy lu y wryefwhmahfwfw

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