Pregunta 7
Woman: This box is very heavy!

Student: ____________________

Could I get it?

Could I go with you?

Can I help you?

Can I go with you?

Could I help you?

Pregunta 8
Boss: ____________________ . It’s very important.

Employee: Sure. I’ll work on it.

Could I help you?

Can you write the report?

Could you turn the TV on?

Can you speak louder?

Could you write the report?

Respuesta :


This box is very heavy!

Student: B) Could I help you?

Boss: Could you write the report?. It’s very important.

Where is your mom? I want to talk to:Her

The children will come soon. Could you wait for:them

I can’t do this! Can you help:Her


espero haberte ayudado ☝️☝️

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