C. Complete with “SOME – ANY”

1. I’ve got ___________ bananas for Kim.

2. There aren’t ____________ oranges on the table.

3. Have you got ___________ brothers and sisters ?

4. There is _____________ milk in the fridge. It’s for Vicky.

5. This salad is awful ! There isn’t ___________ salt in it!

6. Well done Mario! There aren’t __________ mistakes in your test!

7. She has ___________ beautiful postcards from London.

8. Is there _____________ sugar ?

9. There are ______________ books on the desk.

10. There is ______________ soup for you in the fridge.

11. Mary has ______________ new friends.

12. We have got ____________ cheese. Let’s make ____________ sandwiches.

Respuesta :


1. some    2. any   3. some  4. some  5. any  6. any  7. some   8. some  

9. some   10. some   11. some   12. some


Some se usa como algun@s o un poco, Any es ningun@ y solo se utiliza en oraciones negativas.


NOMBRE padlo Julio Ana
