1-José is mexican, 2-Cristina si 26 years old, 3-carmen and Alex AM Friends, 4- they am My teachers, 5-I are very happy, 6-my computer are new, 7- My dog are My Hause, 8-the gerls are beautiful, 9- Carlos is in new yourk, 10-Manuel and Mike are In the laboratory, 11- I is In the art room, 12- Marcos Luis and I Is In 1st grade, 13- George Is at School, 14- You Is Inteligent me ayudan ha hacer las 14 en preguntas por favorrrrrrrr​

Respuesta :


Is Jose mexican?

Is Cristina 26 yr?

Are Carmen and Alex my friends?

Are they my teachers?

Are I very happy?

Are my computer new?

Are my dogs in my house?

Are the girls beautiful?

Is Carlos in new york?

Are Manuel and Mike in the laboratory?

Is in the art room?

Is marcos, luis and I in 1st grade?

Is George at the school?

Is you intelligent?


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