Respuesta :

  1. If I HAVE money, I WILL BUY a modern smart cell phone.
  2. If my mother TRAVELS to Cuenca City, she WILL HAVE a good job.
  3. If you DON'T STUDY enough, you WON'T GET good grades. (En esta no estoy segura. Dice que get hay que ponerlo en positivo, pero no tendría sentido en positivo. Por eso puse ese pedazo de la oración en negativo).
  4. If my brothers GRADUATE this year, they WILL BE a good professionals in the future.
  5. If I GO to Italy next month for work, I WILL VISIT the Roman Colosseum.
  6. If I HAVE time tomorrow, I WILL HELP you.
  7. If my girlfriend EATS too much chocolate, she WILL WIN weight as soon as possible.
  8. If my parents DRIVE us to the concert, maybe they WILL PAY our tickets.
  9. I WILL PASS my exam, If I STUDY hard.
  10. I WILL FEEL tired, if I DON'T SLEEP well.