Exercise 2 (simple present or present continuous)

1. She _______ (go) to the gym three times a week.

2. He............. (work) at home today.

3. you usually ......... (get up) late?

Maria Berenice

4. What______ you ______ (study) this year?

5. He_______ usually________ (not wear) glasses.

6. She_______ (watch) TV now.

7. ______Mr. Robert_______ (live) here?

8. What______ you______ (eat)? It smells delicious.

9. Come on, let's order. The waiter______ (come)

10. Kate_______ (want) to have dinner now. She isn't hungry​

Respuesta :



1 goes

2 is working

3 Do you usually get up

4 are you studying

5 isnt, wearing

6 is watching

7 Does, live

8 are you eating

9 is coming

10 wants