Instructions: Complete the conversation with the past simple of the verbs in(brackets).
A Jack! Over here!

B Olivia! It’s great to see you!

A __________ a good trip? (you / have)

B Yes, thanks. __________ fine. (it / be)

Are you hungry?

B No, __________ lunch on the train. ( I / have)

A Really? What __________ ? (you / have)

B Some sandwiches. __________ the mat the station this morning. (I /buy)

( I / buy) A Good idea. __________ to the station? (you /drive)

B No, __________ a taxi. (I / get)

A Did you? What time __________ home? (you /leave)

B __________ at 7 o'clock. (taxi / arrive)

A That's early! Are you tired?

B A bit. __________ well last night. (I /not sleep)

A Well, here's my car. Let's go home and you can relax.

Respuesta :


A Jack! Over here!

B Olivia! It’s great to see you!

A Did you have a good trip?

B Yes, thanks. It was fine.

Are you hungry?

B No, I had lunch on the train.

A Really? What did you have?

B Some sandwiches. I bought the mat the station this morning.

A Good idea.Did you drive to the station? (you /drive)

B No, I got a taxi.

A Did you? What time did you leave home?

B I arrived by taxi at 7 o'clock. (no estoy segura)

A That's early! Are you tired?

B A bit. I didn't sleep well last night.

A Well, here's my car. Let's go home and you can relax.