Complete the sentences with “HAVE , HAS” 1)He __________________ an MP3 player. 2)We __________________ rollerbladers. 3)Jose and Paul __________________ three books. 4)She__________________acamera. 5)You __________________ sunglasses. 6)My father __________________ a watch. 7)I _________________ a skateboard. 8)Alicia ______________ a baseball cupComplete the sentences with “DON’T HAVE, DOESN’THAVE ” 1)Carlos and Nicolas __________________ classes at school. 2)Alondra__________________ a bike. 3)I __________________ a piano but I have a keyboard. 4)Paola __________________ a backpack. 5)Sara and Sergio __________________an umbrella. 6)My teacher__________________ students at school. 7)We ___________________ online classes. 8)He ____________________ CDs. Complete the conversations with DO, DOES. Then answer the questions. 1)___Do___ you have ane-mail?No, I __don’t__. 2)________ Paola have a cellphone?Yes, ________ ________. 3)________ your brother ____________ apples in the kitchen?No, ________ __________. 4)________ they_____________ sunglasses?Yes, ________ __________ .________ Luis ____________ a laptop for school?No, ________ __________.

Respuesta :



1) Has 2) Have 3) Have 4) Has 5) Have 6) Has 7) Have 8) Has


1) Don't have 2) doesn't have 3) Don't have 4) Doesn't have 5) Don't have 6 Doesn't have 7) Don't Have 8) Doesn't Have

C) 2) Does, She does 3) Does have, He Doesn't 4) Do they have, They do 5) Does Luis Have... No, He Doesn't
