
D. Use the present continuous for future arrangements. Complete each sentence with the verb in brackets.

1. We ____________ to Greece next month. (fly)

2. Larry ___________ College in the fall. (start)

3. The President ___________ at 3:00 pm. (speak)

4. Sam and Maya ____________ at noon. (leave)

5. Grandma ___________ on Monday. (come)

6. I _____________ the dentist´s at 6:00 0´clock. (see)

7. What _______ you _________ on Friday? (do)

8. When ________ she ___________ home? (come)

9. _______ he ____________ lunch with us tomorrow? (have)

10. When ________ they __________? (leave)

plsss es para hoyy

Respuesta :

1. are flying

2. us starting

3. is speaking

4. are leaving

5. is coming

6. am seeing

7. are you doing

8. is she coming

9. is he having

10. are they leaving

Otras preguntas