1. He always very tired after work. B. was A. is C. is
2. Jack home at 3 o'clock yesterday. C. come A. comes B. came
3. My friend. ice-cream and cakes. A. like B. likes C. liks
4. My favourite season winter, but now I like spring. A. is B. are C. was
5. she help you on Sunday? - No, she was busy. B. Did C. Does A. Do
6. They to the cinema on Saturday. The film was B. went C. goed
7. She come to my party, because she was ill. A. didn't B. don't C. doesn't
8. Kate always first to school. A. came B. come C. comes
9. Did you a picture on the wall? A. saw B. see C. sees
10. John cut his finger yesterday B. hurted A. hurt C. hurts
11. His bike was very expensive. It 10000 UAH. A. costs B. cost C. costed
12.Liza her bag on the chair and went to the room. C. putted B. puts boring. A.go A. put and now it.

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