
Cambia estas oraciones de pasiva a activa:
1. The Browns built the large house.
2. A jellyfish stung her.
3. They gave her a nice present.
4. Jane sings the new song.
5. The storm destroyed the house.
6. People spent a lot of money
7. How do you write that word?
8. She waters the flowers every day
9. The headmaster called his parents to the office.
10. Ben will direct the show.
11. The dog didn't break the window.
12. She paid the bill.
13. They interviewed my dad for the job.
14. The professor explained the lesson in class.
15. James will repair the car.
16. They stole the money.
17. Our neighbors invited us to dinner.
18. I will present my ideas at the conference tonight.

Respuesta :


1. The house was being built by The Browns.

2.She was stung by a jellyfish.

3. la verdad no sé

4. The new song was sang by Jane(?

5. The house was destroyed by the storm.

6. A lot of money was spent by people

7. How is that word written?

8. The flowers are watered by her every day.

9. His parents were called by the headmaster to the office (el orden está medio medio)

10. The show will be directed by Ben.

11. The window wasn’t broken by the dog.

12. The bill was paid by her.

13. My dad was interviewed for the job [by them].

14. The lesson was explained by the professor in class.

15. The car will be repaired by James.

16. The money was stolen by them.

17. We were invited by our neighbors to dinner.

18. My ideas will be presented by me tonight at the conference.


La verdad es que yo tampoco confío en mis respuestas