Respuesta :



I feel great about sport! Sport is awesome. It brings a lot of benefit, and it's super healthy. Sport can help you with some healthy conditions, improves physical condition and endurance, regulates blood pressure, helps maintain good bone density, improves flexibility, strengthens muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints, helps lose weight, reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes, helps mental healthy too, makes you feel alive and a lot more! So, sport is very important and has to be done by everyone! It's very healthy!


I love doing sports, and it really benefits the human body. It makes you healthier and it makes your body look well-built. I also think that sports are fun, especially sports such as football and volleyball. I recommend doing sports to everyone because of these things I just said earlier, and I would always be up to talking about sports, so if you ever want to know any detail of sports, I would gladly tell you. Let me know about any doubt.